You probably already know which dental procedure I will talk about in this post - root canals. However, you might not be aware of how devastating root canals can be for your health. I will share my story here.
Imagine you are in your early twenties and have a toothache. You go to the dentist, who maneuvers with his drill and inserts some things in and out of your mouth. When he's done, your pain is gone and everything seems fine. However, you have no idea what was done to your tooth.
Some months later, you experience another toothache, this time in a different tooth. You undergo the same procedure, and the pain subsides. After a few days, you realize that your body feels a little tense - you assume it's from your workout the previous day and being outside in the wind all day. However, months go by and your body is still tense for some reason, and your back muscles become more rigid every day. You believe it's due to the seasonal change and stress from exams.
A year passed by and I had another tooth that required the same procedure, making it a total of three root canals. Afterward, my overall health gradually and steadily declined, affecting both my physiology and psychology in a dramatic way.

Root canaled teeth on my lower jaw. Two on left side, one on the right.
It took years of many treatments by chiropractors, massage therapists, osteopaths, physios, exercise, yoga, acupuncture, emotional & psychological work, improve the condition, but all without any long lasting or permanent results. Lower back pains in lumbar and sacral area were more intense every month, left shoulder and muscles on left back side of body were very tense, overall flexibility of the whole body was impaired, I was compressing my teeth, had difficulties and pain in left leg, minor scoliosis on sacral & lumbar area, digestion became impaired, the skin was peeling off the fingertips, and the whole posture was changed in a negative way. Psychology was also very affected - I was easily irritated, frustrated, unable to relax, feeling depressed from time to time and sometimes you just can't live anymore. It was like being tortured daily without knowing what the source of torture is. I was in "fight or flight" mode constantly and without any idea what else to try and do.
It went like this for years, struggling and searching what is going on one day came to me that I should check my teeth. I looked at my old orthophan and saw this three root canaled teeth. Inside the mouth they all looked nice and white, I was wondering why should I throw them out. I played with these thoughts and next day I decided to extract all three of them. It was the best decision ever.
I went to biological dentist to do a proper extraction. We started with a lower left wisdom tooth. Immediately when the tooth was pulled out, my left side of the body, especially spine around a sacral area, instantly relaxed. I finally experienced some relief after so many years and I was on the right track. Unfortunately, during the night two days after extraction the well formed blood clot disintegrated.
I didn't realize that at that time. During the night I felt that something poured out from extraction site and I thought it might be some puss or other fluid. Two days later I woke up with unbearable excruciating pain around extracted wisdom tooth area. Imagine the toothache pain - this one is at least two times stronger. I quickly discovered that the condition when the blood clot disintegrate is called dry socket. Causes are not yet clear, are rare and are for some reason more frequently occurring after wisdom tooth extractions.
I figured out that holding ice on the cheeks almost completely reduces pain to zero, the challenging part is during the night. After two days the pain went away by itself and extraction site healed well, which is common with dry sockets.
Later I learned that people with dry socket might go to see a dentist because of the unbearable pain. Conventional dentists usually put hole strips steeped in eugenol inside the tooth. Pain is gone, but it might cause you jaw cavitation later in life (even decades later!) since debris of this filling can stay there and bone might not properly formed. A cavitation is a hole in the bone, usually where a tooth has been removed, and the bone has not filled in properly. It is an area of osteonecrosis (dead bone) and can be causing you many health related problems. So if you had tooth canal extraction done it's wise to check what is going on with the jaw bone. Jaw bone cavitation or unproper forming of the bone at the extraction site can disturb smooth operation of your body. There are diagnostic devices available like Cavitat to check what is going on with a jaw bone and also visit a dentist who can recognise these issues and can advise you further.
After wisdom tooth extraction site was properly healed, a sixth lower left molar was ready to be extracted and I decided to insert full zirconium implant as a replacement. It turned out that this was not so good idea.
All went well during extraction of a sixth left molar. It was bizarre to see that the extracted molar root canal filling, called gutta-percha (which contains toxic substances), was additional two millimeters below the tooth root - it was protruding the tooth root(!). Tooth was overfilled and the toxic filling material was pressed into the jaw bone! No wonder I was felling so irritated all the time. All materials which are placed in a tooth spread throughout the body via the lymph and the blood and are also transported to the brain via the nerve fibres. I would definitely like to know if a poison were to be placed into my body.
So, when the dentist prepared and inserted an implant into the hole, I felt like having a 9V battery put onto the tongue, just very subtle. It felt like some kind of electric activity in the body was affected. I hoped that this was temporary. Well, it was not and I should've stopped the insertion of the implant at that time no matter what - good lesson to listen the intuition, rather hoping that all is going to be better after an operation.
Immediately after implant insertion, I felt that my heart was kind of "jumping" from time to time. I thought that it will go away after the wound heals. I rested for two weeks and then slightly start doing regular exercise. Every time my hearth beat rose I felt weird jumping and cramping of the heart muscle. Cardiogram was also abnormal and conventional doctors said it was normal for very trained & sporty person. I knew this abnormality in heart beat was coming from implant, because I had cardiographs done before and all were abnormal and were interpreted by doctors as "all fine, this is just congenital". It was not. Abnormal hearth beating was coming from my second root canaled tooth!
Insertion of implant disturbed the meridian energy circuit of the body causing further problems. At this point I want to mention that full zirconium implants can work well for you. At that time I had another root canaled tooth that was interfering with the meridian energy system at the implant site. Although zirconium implant was integrated very well and bone was well formed I decided to put the implant out as well, because of heart cramps. I also felt "burdened" & tense. To biological dentist surprise, the implant unscrewed very nicely and problems with my heart, feeling tense and being burdened were gone. Cardiogram was normal after that! At this point I need to mention that misaligned vertebra on lower back and the sacral area went back into place very easily with minor help by the osteopath. Before it was simply impossible to put them back in proper alignment.
So, later also the last root canaled tooth was extracted and the muscles on my back and left leg released even more. The constant tension in the psyche was gone. I finally felt more free and relaxed. What was disturbing is that the extracted tooth was filled with metal. I was told at that time that composite materials will be used but were not. As Dr. Hall Huggins told us in HealTyh Mouth World Summit, that there is trouble anytime metals in the mouth interact with microbes in the mouth. Dental metals in the microbially diverse ‘perfect petri dish’ of the mouth tend to compel the bad bugs to adapt–and thus produce atypical toxins. This is big trouble as the body is forced to combat new toxins that can add increased stress to whole body system.

Filled root canaled tooth and crown with metal.
Richardson et al. identified 75 different bacterial strains in root-treated teeth with apical ostitis. These bacteria can be found particularly often in and around dead teeth: entero-coccus faecalis, capnocytophaga ochracea, fusobacterium nucleatum, leptotrichia buccalis, gemella morbillorum and porphyromonas gingivalis. Four of these mentioned species affect the heart, three nervous system, two kidneys and brain, one the maxillary sinus.
While writing this I remembered to mention the following: If I pressed with my finger tips under my jaw on both sides on an area where root canaled teeth were, I was sensing some discomfort and mild pain. That was a sign that bacterial buildup and inflammation was going on under root canals (inflammation just bellow the tip of tooth root can be seen on a CT scan also). If I press behind my jaw now, no pain or discomfort is present.
Root Canal Roulette
The video below neatly summarizes root canals, cavitations and proper tooth extractions issues. I recommend watching it and informing yourself to be able to make healthier decisions.
Tooth is an organ connected to other organs
Since the beginnings of dentistry, teeth were treated without thinking about their association with the rest of the body. Each tooth is an organ and should be treated as such. Each organ is connected to other organs and having dead tooth inside your mouth is like leaving dead kidney inside your body. You naturally can't leave it there, it does not belong to the body anymore.
Interference field
Interference fields are regions in the body that have become weakened and can cause a reaction in another area of the body causing chronic disorders and painful illnesses. It can originate from the mouth:
- Jaw bone: Abscess, cyst, chronic inflammation in the bone, root remainders, impacted teeth, e.g. wisdom teeth, tooth extractions,..
- In the tooth itself: Acute and chronic inflammation of the tooth, dead teeth, poor root treatments, cracker teeth. Also materials (e.g. metals) can emanate interference fields which are so intensive that they significantly impair the person’s health and may even lead to severe chronic disorders.
- In the tonsils: Scraping the tonsils from the back of the pharynx with sharp instruments often leaves behind tissue residue at the surgical site. Later, a scar plate forms there and lies over the tissue residue. This scar plate and the tissue residue may potentially form a very strong interference field with a remote effect.
Also internal and external scars after injuries or operations (C-section, episiotomy scars, breast implants, tummy tucks, cosmetic surgery..) can disturb proper energy flow troughout the body.
In the healing phase, new tissue cells grow everywhere and attempt to reconnect the blood, nerve and lymphatic pathways. The meridian system is also affected by these interruptions. The basic prerequisite for interference fields is therefore present, since the body’s energy flow can no longer move freely. Scar interference fields are generally clarified using neural therapy.
Unresolved emotional traumas are also causing interference fields and are in fact the cause for any organ to react in the first place, but this is for another blog post.
There are meridian connections between each tooth and other organs. What is happening in your mount is also reflected in other parts of the body and vice versa. Below is the tooth meridian chart to help you research internal organs associations with teeth and make the connections:

You can also use interactive meridian tooth visual chart. These charts are for information only. It is not intended to be diagnostic nor should it be construed to be so.
Treating a tooth (or mouth) and thinking that this doesn't have any impact on other parts of the body is a myth. It's important that you observe, recognize and consider this while making your dental choices.
During research about dental health & dental procedures I was asking a lot of people and my clients about their dental experiences. Many of them realized after conversation that indeed their health issue was related to implants or root canals or both. Some had unexplained elevated liver enzymes values, heart palpitations, arrhythmia, jaw tensions to overall weakness and muscle-skeletal problems.
If you are going to or have to do any dental work, make sure to find a good metal-free biological dentist.
Here are questions to ask while you are visiting your dentist:
Can you make and show me pictures before, during and after your work?
Most of newer dental machines are equipped also with a camera. In this way, you will be able to see how the whole procedure was done and if materials of your choice were actually used.
Do you utilize client informed consent?
You reserve the right to be informed about the materials and procedures that will be used during your appointments. So, it is essential to make sure that your dentist will provide you with informed consent (which is basically your permission for a health professional to use a certain material or procedure). Properly designed informed consent forms carefully explain what the potential benefits, potential harms, and alternatives to the material/procedure are.
Is this a mercury-free practice? And is it also mercury safe?
Mercury is toxic to your nervous system and if you have some old amalgam fillings inserted into your tooth you also need a mercury-free dentist. They do not place any new mercury fillings and they follow strict protocol when removing mercury fillings to minimize the exposure of mercury vapor to the patient, staff, and environment.
If you have root canals don't wait. Extract dead teeth out if your health is important to you. Make sure that you find good biological dentist that can perform proper tooth extraction. Taking the time and confronting the discomfort of asking questions to a medical professional and finding the right one can make the difference between a successful dental procedure and one you may regret.
What is your root canal story, how did you manage it? Enter your experiences below and let me know.
The following organizations can help you to find a mercury-free, biological dentist: